Re: Fuzzy Time (#99)

From: Robert Conn [mailto:[email protected]]

I haven’t had time to do any “extra credit” stuff, or
even test this fully, but here goes -

For what it’s worth, here’s the test code I’ve written to test
submissions. I’m not 100% sure that it’s correctly testing things yet,
but I think it is :slight_smile:

The interesting bit for me has been trying to identify any solution that
ignores requirement #2, such as solutions that always show the correct
time, or that are always a bit fast or slow. The statistics are my best
attempt at that so far.

To use, if you have defined your class name as “FuzzyTime”, just include
this file after your class definition. (Beware long incorrectly wrapped
lines ahead.)

require ‘test/unit’

$DEBUG = false

class Time
def short
def to_fuzzy
s = short
s[4] = “~”

class FuzzyTimeTester < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_running
runs, num_ahead, num_behind = 0, 0, 0
t = + rand( 3600 * 300 ) )
advance_seconds = rand( 200 ) + 17
end_time = t + 60 * 60 * 24
ft = t )
last_value = nil
while( t < end_time )
assert_equal t, ft.actual
t0 = t - 60 * 5 )
t2 = t + 60 * 5 )
legal_values = [ t0, t, t2 ].map{ |x| x.to_fuzzy }.uniq

    if last_value
      y,mon,day = t.year, t.mon,
      h,m = last_value.scan(/\d+/).map{ |s| s.to_i }
      m *= 10
      if (m -= 10) < 0
        m %= 60
        if (h -= 1) < 0
          h %= 24
      illegal_old_value = Time.local( y,mon,day,h,m ).to_fuzzy
      legal_values -= [ illegal_old_value ]
      if $DEBUG
        puts "Now: #{t.short}; legal: #{legal_values.inspect} (was 

#{last_value}, can’t be #{illegal_old_value})"

    s = ft.to_s
    assert legal_values.include?( s ), "#{s} not in 


    a = t.to_fuzzy
    if s != a
      ahour, amin = a.scan( /\d+/ ).map{ |x| x.to_i }
      fhour, fmin = s.scan( /\d+/ ).map{ |x| x.to_i }
      if fmin > amin || fhour > ahour || ( fhour == 0 && ahour == 23 

num_ahead += 1
num_behind +=1
runs += 1
last_value = s
ft.advance( advance_seconds )
t += advance_seconds
puts “Variation: %.2f%% ahead, %.2f%% behind” % [ 100.0 *
num_ahead / runs, 100.0 * num_behind / runs ]

On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 10:34:56AM +0900, Gavin K. wrote:

correct time, or that are always a bit fast or slow. The statistics
are my best attempt at that so far.

To use, if you have defined your class name as “FuzzyTime”, just
include this file after your class definition. (Beware long
incorrectly wrapped lines ahead.)

Woo Hoo! I ran it on mine and it passed. My variation was as follows.
I’m not sure what it really means. That I’m roughtly 80% the same as
‘actual’ time in fuzzy format, 2% behind and 18% ahead ?

Variation: 21.68% ahead, 1.41% behind
Variation: 19.69% ahead, 2.47% behind
Variation: 18.85% ahead, 2.85% behind
Variation: 19.76% ahead, 1.94% behind
Variation: 19.14% ahead, 2.19% behind
Variation: 18.67% ahead, 2.52% behind
Variation: 19.06% ahead, 2.24% behind
Variation: 18.83% ahead, 2.46% behind
Variation: 18.71% ahead, 2.74% behind
Variation: 18.42% ahead, 2.92% behind
Variation: 18.70% ahead, 2.60% behind
Variation: 18.56% ahead, 2.66% behind
Variation: 18.33% ahead, 2.90% behind
Variation: 18.30% ahead, 2.95% behind
Variation: 18.78% ahead, 2.72% behind
Variation: 18.73% ahead, 2.76% behind
Variation: 18.67% ahead, 2.79% behind
Variation: 18.49% ahead, 2.94% behind
Variation: 18.47% ahead, 3.03% behind
Variation: 18.35% ahead, 3.08% behind



On Oct 29, 2006, at 8:34 PM, Gavin K. wrote:

For what it’s worth, here’s the test code I’ve written to test
submissions. I’m not 100% sure that it’s correctly testing things
yet, but I think it is :slight_smile:

It looks like your test code expects FuzzyTime.to_s to use 24-hour
style, by default. My submission defaults to 12-hour style, so it
failed, right out of the gate. :frowning:
