My solution, which is probably awkward in its use of method mangling:
class Fixnum
@@old_to_s = 1.method(:to_s).unbind
def to_s
s = ((self % 3 == 0 ? “Fizz” : “”) + (self % 5 == 0 ? “Buzz” :
s.empty? ? @@old_to_s.bind(self).call : s
(1…100).each { |x| p x }
I wouldn’t be surprised at all to find that there’s a much cleaner way
to accomplish the override. The curious reader will note that this
be shortened somewhat if we had something like that “it” feature some
were discussing.
On 6/3/07, Peter S. [email protected] wrote:
(1..100).each { |x| p x }
I wouldn’t be surprised at all to find that there’s a much cleaner way
to accomplish the override. The curious reader will note that this could
be shortened somewhat if we had something like that “it” feature some
were discussing.
My solution (see other thread) uses a lot of those same techniques.
My method was overriding #inspect instead of #to_s, so you don’t need
to do anything crazy. Or you could just use an alias…
In message
[email protected], “Chris
Carter” writes
My solution (see other thread) uses a lot of those same techniques.
My method was overriding #inspect instead of #to_s, so you don’t need
to do anything crazy. Or you could just use an alias…
It’s this last one that I didn’t spot, not being quite used to the
method-wrangling stuff.