Yep, it absolutely works, at least on my dev box.
I’ll have to go back and check but I thought the BillMonk guys mentioned
something about building that part outside of Rails for performance
I thought I would bring it up now while I’m still early enough into the
----- Original Message ----
From: Jacob A. [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 6:00:39 AM
Subject: [Rails] Re: Email outside of Rails
Mark wrote:
I’m working on an application that requires a process to send/receive
SMS messages (via email for now) outside of Rails. Right now I have
it working using the ActionMailer and ActiveRecord objects in my Rails
application.Is it better (quicker, more scalable) to read/write to the database
and send/receive outside of the ActiveRecord and ActionMailer models I
have setup in rails?
Yes, you can make more scalable solutions outside of Rails. But…
Is the current solution not working?
Are you having performance issues?
If not, why bother?
- Jacob A.