Re: Email outside of Rails

Yep, it absolutely works, at least on my dev box.

I’ll have to go back and check but I thought the BillMonk guys mentioned
something about building that part outside of Rails for performance

I thought I would bring it up now while I’m still early enough into the

----- Original Message ----
From: Jacob A. [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 6:00:39 AM
Subject: [Rails] Re: Email outside of Rails

Mark wrote:

I’m working on an application that requires a process to send/receive
SMS messages (via email for now) outside of Rails. Right now I have
it working using the ActionMailer and ActiveRecord objects in my Rails

Is it better (quicker, more scalable) to read/write to the database
and send/receive outside of the ActiveRecord and ActionMailer models I
have setup in rails?

Yes, you can make more scalable solutions outside of Rails. But…

Is the current solution not working?
Are you having performance issues?

If not, why bother?


  • Jacob A.

[email protected] wrote:

Yep, it absolutely works, at least on my dev box.

I’ll have to go back and check but I thought the BillMonk guys mentioned
something about building that part outside of Rails for performance

You can replace any part of Rails for performance reasons. Rails is not
built to be the highest performing solution on the market. The question
is if you want to spend your time doing optimization or features.
Personally I prefer features until a need for optimization shows up.

I thought I would bring it up now while I’m still early enough into the

Well, if you’re going to be handling big amounts of mail it might be
worth going outside of Rails. Try doing some benchmarks and see what you
get. Or it might be worth just getting more hardware. In the end you
should do what you think is right :slight_smile:


  • Jacob A.