Re: Dynamically change reverse proxy mappings

It sounds like dynamic upstream management is exactly
what I’m after. It would be great if anyone has any news
on any work that is happening in that area.

sounds good to me as well. what would be on my wishlist
is a module for dynamically assigning upstream weights
based on criteria like for example load-1/-5/-15 of the
backend server… that would be great :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

addition to last post:

i just read the source of that health checking module mentioned before…
looks to me like it should be easy to add a kind of load measurement to
(instead of just checking whether its up or down)?

id really love to contribute but i believe my c-programming skills are
poor for that :wink:


p.s. by the way: thanks x1000 to all nginx devs/contributors for
such a great piece of software!