Re: Domain Requirements in Routes (Edge Rails)

I too have been unable to get :subdomain to work on the latest Rails
trunk. Rails appears to be blissfully unaware of it.

Anyone had any success with this?


Ross Karchner <rosskarchner@…> writes:

Has anyone seen :requirements=>{:subdomain=>whatever} in the
wild? Is
it documented anywhere other than that wiki page?

On 2006-03-23 16:48:31 -0500, Ben Blakley
<ben@…> said:

I just noticed what looks like an error in the code on the Wiki. I
think it should be:

map.with_options :requirements=>{:subdomain=>‘’} do |m|
m.connect ‘’, :controller => “first/catalog”
m.connect ‘featured’, :controller => “first/
catalog”, :action=>‘featured’
m.connect ‘catalog/:action/:id’, :controller => “first/catalog”

Although this still doesn’t seem to help with the :subdomain