I think the problem with an instance knowing his own name is the
possibility of an instance having more than one name. How whould the
instance now, which name you want ? The object id on the other hand is
afaik sort of unique.
I think the problem with an instance knowing his own name is the
possibility of an instance having more than one name. How whould the
instance now, which name you want ? The object id on the other hand is
afaik sort of unique.
On 9/4/06, [email protected] [email protected]
I think the problem with an instance knowing his own name is the possibility of an instance having more than one name. How whould the instance now, which name you want ? The object id on the other hand is afaik sort of unique.
For those old enough, and American enough to remember the comic Bill
Ray = Jay = Johnny = Sonny = RayJay = RJ = Nephew.new
Rick DeNatale
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