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Ltd. A technical support representative will be contacting you within 1
business day.
The following information will help us in responding to your request.
If you have already provided the information requested below, no further
action is required.
License number, release number, and operating system. Typing â??verâ?
at the MATLAB command prompt will list this information. -
Exact text of any error message(s) received
All files (M-files, Simulink models, data files) and steps to
reproduce the issue. If you need to send in an executable or a zip file,
please wait until a support engineer contacts you.
To provide this information, reply to this message keeping the Thread Id
listed at the bottom of this message intact.
STUDENT VERSION USERS: If you are a student using the Student Version,
please note that email and phone support is available for product
installation, software crashes, or bug reporting. For all other
enquiries, contact your lecturer or visit the support web site at
Documentation - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks United Kingdom.
If you have any concerns about our technical support services, write to
[email protected].
Technical Support Team
The MathWorks Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01223 423200
Fax: 01223 423250