My name is Ryan M., I’m a founder of Consolidated Logic, a new company based
out of Blacksburg, VA
working on an FPGA productivity tool we call RDA: Rapid Design Assembly. We had
a booth at GRCon this year
where we presented our tool working with Ettus’s RFNoC framework for USRPs in
GNU Radio. Our tool is
available for install and use, just go to our website at where we
have a set of tutorials to
get you started. Here’s a link to a promotional video we put together:
- YouTube
Ryan, It was good talking to you at the conference. I know that you
guys are working towards Vivado support, but I was wondering how far out
it will be. With Xilinx shoehorning people into it, and Ettus
supporting it for their devices, it is a little painful needing ISE just
for this service. Obviously it is worth the time, but with Xilinx’s
products taking up some much resources, it will be nice to only have the
one application.