Re: Confirmation of contributor status...?

After talking to the Codeplex team (they handle the agreement process),
it turns out Ssiadmin has been deprecated and the new process involves
the Codeplex feedback form. I’ll be updating the wiki.


From: Jimmy S. [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:37 AM
To: [email protected] [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Confirmation of contributor status…?

Usually its immediately. Jim gets notifications of contributor agreement
requests, so maybe he knows more.

Do you already have some part of ironruby in mind to work on?


On Apr 12, 2010, at 11:17 AM, “Zac Brown”
<[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:


I sent an email to ssiadmin asking them to add me as a contributor to
IronRuby but haven’t heard a peep out of them. What’s the usual turn
around for emails sent to them?

Sidenote: I asked to be confirmed on this email address
(mailto:[email protected][email protected]mailto:[email protected]
and [email protected]mailto:[email protected]).


Zac Brown (zbrown), SDET
Windows – REX Client (86/1601)