Morton G. wrote:
Very nice, compact solution. But what programing language is that in
the block comment? I don’t recognize it.Regards, Morton
Thank you. My solution is Ruby and Haskell at the same time.
Morton G. wrote:
Very nice, compact solution. But what programing language is that in
the block comment? I don’t recognize it.Regards, Morton
Thank you. My solution is Ruby and Haskell at the same time.
On 12/20/06, David T. [email protected] wrote:
Morton G. wrote:
Very nice, compact solution. But what programing language is that in
the block comment? I don’t recognize it.Thank you. My solution is Ruby and Haskell at the same time.
I went for a Haskell solution as well – off topic though since I
didn’t port it to ruby as well. Not quite as clever, it uses the dice
rolling method mentioned on the wikipedia page. Most of the stuff was
just me playing around with the GHC’s version of GetOpt.
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import IO
import List
import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Random
data Piece =
Bishop | Queen | Knight |
Rook | King | Empty
instance Show Piece where
show Bishop = “B”
show Queen = “Q”
show Knight = “N”
show Rook = “R”
show King = “K”
show Empty = “.”
type Position = Array Int Piece
showPosition :: Position → String
showPosition = join . stringify
where join = foldl (++) []
stringify = map show . elems
isEmpty :: Piece → Bool
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False
build :: [Position]
build = finish perms
where perms = nub . foldr ($) startPosition $
reverse [placeB 0, placeB 1, placeX Queen, placeX Knight,
placeX Knight]
finish ps = map (\p → fill p $ empties p) ps
startPosition :: [Position]
startPosition = [array (0,7) [(i,Empty) | i ← [0…7]]]
– Place Bishops either on the odd or even spaces
placeB :: Int → [Position] → [Position]
placeB i ss = [ s // [(idx,Bishop)] | s ← ss, idx ← [0…7], idx mod
2 == i]
– Place a piece into any open position
placeX :: Piece → [Position] → [Position]
placeX p ss = [ s // [(idx,p)] | s ← ss, idx ← [0…7], isEmpty (s !
idx) ]
– Search for the indexes of the remaining empty spaces
empties :: Position → [Int]
empties p = map fst $ filter (isEmpty.snd) $ assocs p
– The places for the rooks and king are fixed based on the remaining
fill :: Position → [Int] → Position
fill p indicies = p // (zip indicies pieces)
where pieces = [Rook,King,Rook]
data Flag = Random | Nth String | Help | Version deriving (Show, Eq)
flags =
[ Option [‘r’] [] (NoArg Random) “Select a random
starting set”
, Option [‘n’] [] (ReqArg Nth “N”) “Select the Nth
, Option [‘h’,‘?’] [“help”] (NoArg Help) “Print this help
, Option [‘v’] [] (NoArg Version) “Print version number”
usage :: String → String
usage name = “usage: " ++ name ++ " [-n nth | -r ]”
version :: String
version = “0.1.0”
main :: IO ()
main = do
argv ← getArgs
name ← getProgName
case getOpt Permute flags argv of
(args,,[]) → if Help elem
then do hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo (usage name) flags
exitWith ExitSuccess
else showSolutions args
(,_,errs) → do hPutStrLn stderr $ concat errs ++ usageInfo
(usage name) flags
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
showSolutions :: [Flag] → IO ()
showSolutions [] = printAll
showSolutions args = case arg of
Version → do n ← getProgName
putStrLn $ n ++ " Version " ++ version
Nth n → putStrLn . showPosition $ build !! (read n)
Random → do g ← getStdGen
let (n,_) = randomR (0,959 :: Int ) g
putStrLn . showPosition $ build !! n
otherwise → printAll
where arg = head args
printAll :: IO ()
printAll = putStr . unlines . map showPosition $ build
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