Re: - background color problem for FXCombobox

Dear Lyle,

as you suggested, I’ve now upgraded to FXRuby 1.6.0 (thanks to the
Windows one-click installer team, that was easy).
I found an FXTextfield and an FXMenuButton as children of FXComboBox,
there is a method setBackColor to set the background color.
But this changes only the color of the pane of the ComboBox as one
clicks on
the button.
The background color of the one option of Combobox that’s visible if you
have the pane open is still the same as that of the big frame it sits

How do I change that ?

Thank you,

Best regards,


On 7/7/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

How do I change that ?
It’s working for me here, so I need for you to file a bug report that
includes a short (but complete) example program that demonstrates the