Yes. I can… very soon. I’m about 90% done with the tutorial.
here’s the basic concept:
IIS (80) Apache (8080)
================= ========================
/blog /blog
/wiki /wiki
/code /code
Each rails app is configured as an Alias all on one VHOST
Apache conf :
Alias /code “e:/rails/blog/public”
FastCgiServer e:/rails/blog/public/dispatch.fcgi -idle-timeout 120
-initial-env RAILS_ENV=production -processes 1
<Directory e:/rails/blog/public>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
ISAPI rewrite rule: (one for each rails app)
RewriteProxy /blog(.*)$1 [I,U]
You need to do this for each app.
You also need to modify RewriteBase in your Rails .htaccess file.
Calls to “url_for” can sometimes reveal the backend server. My way
around that has been to make sure that Apache runs on the SAME BOX as
IIS. I then wrote a simple plugin which I will be sharing that you can
place in your production app to remove the :8080 proxy when url_for is
used. (requests then route back through IIS).
That’s the summary. I’ll be publishing the full howto later today or
That RewriteProxy line was what I needed to most.
Which ISAPIRewrite are you using?
Thanks for the tip, looking forward to the full tutorial,
IIS (80) Apache (8080)
================= ========================
/blog /blog
/wiki /wiki
/code /code
That’s the summary. I’ll be publishing the full howto later today or
This is exactly what i need! Where can I find the howto? (sorry if
this comes out twice)
Hogan, Brian P. wrote:
Yes. I can… very soon. I’m about 90% done with the tutorial.
here’s the basic concept:
IIS (80) Apache (8080)
================= ========================
/blog /blog
/wiki /wiki
/code /code
Each rails app is configured as an Alias all on one VHOST
Apache conf :
Alias /code “e:/rails/blog/public”
FastCgiServer e:/rails/blog/public/dispatch.fcgi -idle-timeout 120
-initial-env RAILS_ENV=production -processes 1
<Directory e:/rails/blog/public>
Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
ISAPI rewrite rule: (one for each rails app)
RewriteProxy /blog(.*)$1 [I,U]
You need to do this for each app.
You also need to modify RewriteBase in your Rails .htaccess file.
Calls to “url_for” can sometimes reveal the backend server. My way
around that has been to make sure that Apache runs on the SAME BOX as
IIS. I then wrote a simple plugin which I will be sharing that you can
place in your production app to remove the :8080 proxy when url_for is
used. (requests then route back through IIS).
That’s the summary. I’ll be publishing the full howto later today or
Hi Brian,
Good day, Have you published your Apache IIS howto? where can we
find it? If you happen to have even the simple text info. please can you
send it to me. I really need it badly. I’ve been struggling to make it
work. Any help would be appreciated.
erwin quita wrote:
/wiki /wiki
<Directory e:/rails/blog/public>
Oh, I forgot this is my working environment… let me know if it would
affect the setup…
Ruby version 1.8.4 (i386-mswin32)
RubyGems version 0.8.11
Rails version 1.0.0
Active Record version 1.13.2
Action Pack version 1.11.2
Action Web Service version 1.0.0
Action Mailer version 1.1.5
Active Support version 1.2.5
Application root D:/mailer
Environment production
Database adapter postgresql