Hi –
The link I gave in my announcement of my Rails Routing ‘short cut’
from Addison-Wesley was to the Safari subscription page.
If you want to buy it as a PDF, you can do so at:
Thanks to Al Evans and Stefan Liden for pointing this out 
Thanks to Al Evans and Stefan Liden for pointing this out 
No problem, I love your writing so keep 'em coming!
yikes, 100 pages just on routes?!
Hi –
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007, linoj wrote:
yikes, 100 pages just on routes?!
I believe it’s 114 pages. As for the ?! part, I can only defer to
Tim Kumtz’s review:
If your first thought when you saw the title “Rails Routing” was
along the lines of “how much can you write about that”, this book is
for you!

There’s a whole bunch about REST in there along with the basics of
routing, named routes, etc.
As I’ve just spent a few days on REST and related routing issues, I
can assure you that there’s a lot to write about it.
Moreover, routing is not a subject that is really spread among the
community, so I really welcome this PDF.
2007/6/20, linoj [email protected]: