rdoc-tags version 1.2 has been released!
- GitHub - ruby/rdoc-tags: A TAGS file generator based on http://ctags.sourceforge.net/FORMAT. rdoc-tags handles namespaced classes and modules, ! and ? methods, constants and attributes better than Exuberant Ctags.
- http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/rdoc-tags
A TAGS file generator based on http://ctags.sourceforge.net/FORMAT.
handles namespaced classes and modules, ! and ? methods, constants and
attributes better than Exuberant Ctags.
rdoc-tags includes a Hoe plugin :rdoc_tags making it easy to add tag
to your ruby project. If you don’t use Hoe you can instead use
to add rake tasks for building TAGS to your ruby project.
- Minor enhancements
- rdoc-tags can now merge with Exuberant Ctags for projects with
or other languages. Use –ctags-merge to enable merging.
rdoc-tags will discover Exuberant Ctags in your PATH by checking the
output of ctags --version.
- rdoc-tags can now merge with Exuberant Ctags for projects with
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed Hoe plugin to match RDoc::TagsTask arguments.
- Require rdoc/generator/tags first for RDoc::TagsTask.
- The tags generator no longer creates a create.rid file.