RDoc - Multiline description list

I have a piece of RDoc in my code:

# The following are the list of supported options:
# [create] Indicates if the address should be created; values are
#  *always*, *never*, *sender* or *reciever*.
# [assert::] Indicates whether or not to assert any specified node 

# values are always, never, sender or receiver.

When I generate the RDocs for the above, the entry for the create
command shows up correctly, except that the line starting with
always” shows up outside of the box. The same thing happens with the
[assert::] line (it’s different since I’m experimenting with how to get
things to show up properly).

What I want to have happen is to have the entire description show up
together. Is it possible to split the lines up so as to be more readable
in the source code, but then have it also properly generate HTML? And,
if so, how?

Thanks for the help.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:06:37AM +0900, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

if so, how?

Thanks for the help.

Seems I should have tried one more thing before posting my question. The
solution is to use this format:

# [create]
#   Indicates if the address should be created; values are *always*,
#   *never*, *sender* or *reciever*.
# [assert]
#   Indicates whether or not to assert any specified node 

# values are always, never, sender or receiver.

With this, the line in square brackets is properly used as the heading.
The rest in properly displayed as the definition.