Is there any way to configure rdoc via a hidden config file? I recall
briefly hearing something about .document, but can’t find any
documentation on it.
Is there any way to configure rdoc via a hidden config file? I recall
briefly hearing something about .document, but can’t find any
documentation on it.
On Feb 11, 12:05 pm, Trans [email protected] wrote:
Is there any way to configure rdoc via a hidden config file? I recall
briefly hearing something about .document, but can’t find any
documentation on it.
Documentation by example:
C:\ruby\src\ruby-1.8.6>findfile “.document”
On Feb 11, 2:24 pm, Phrogz [email protected] wrote:
Thanks. So it looks like it’s solely a list of globs to decide which
files to include.
One difficulty with Facets is that some of libs need to be rdoc’d
independent of others. Otherwise it becomes hard to tell what goes
with what especially when standard libs are extended. I wish RDoc had
an elegant way of handling tihs kind of “multi-part” documentation
need. It would make documenting Ruby’s standard lib a lot easier too,
I 'm sure. As it stands I have a special script to do it, but that
doesn’t help RubyGems rdoc correctly.
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