Rcov for JRuby

Hi all,

We have a gem for RCov that largely works for JRuby. Not all the unit
pass but the differences to date look to be differences between how
and MRI work (Charles if you’ve some time I’d like to talk to you about
of these differences to see if my hypotheses are correct). There are no
breaking errors anymore. I’ve been able to run RCov in my build at
but we thought it would be good to solicit some help from the community
help do some more testing with RCov for Java.

To that end I’ve put the gem up here
but it doesn’t appear to be named properly for rubyforge (please bear
me as I learn how to properly do that) so you might have to manually
download and install the gem. If you’ve the time and wherewithal
check it out and get back to me with any problems you might find. I’ve
installed it on a clean machine and it works for me but . I’ve said
words before only to have it blow up in my face J

Requirements for this gem are:

Java 1.5

JRuby 1.1.3

I found somepeople over on github actively working on Rcov so I forked
version and I’ve integrated the java stuff into my fork.
if you want to check it out) Our long term goal is to have the java
extension be part of the rcov source tree and we can generate a -java
version of the gem from that.

We look forward to all your feedback. (and appreciate your understanding
we work through the bumps J)

Thanks !


Jay McGaffigan wrote:

To that end I’ve put the gem up here
http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2014&release_id=24316 but it
doesn’t appear to be named properly for rubyforge (please bear with me
as I learn how to properly do that) so you might have to manually
download and install the gem.

I think it is not allowed by Rubyforge, for more project to publish the
gem with the same base name. Only the one from:


will be usable by the ‘gem’ tool. The same problem with others native
extensions. Might be that something has changed since the time I heard


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Jay McGaffigan wrote:

some help from the community to help do some more testing with RCov for

Sounds great! And yeah, any time you want to talk about differences
you’re seeing, let me know.

We look forward to all your feedback. (and appreciate your understanding
as we work through the bumps J)

I’m not sure if it was you or someone else that pointed out the
getRubyThreadFromThread issue, but I think I’ve fixed that on trunk. I’d
appreciate hearing if it’s improved, whoever it was. And I’d definitely
appreciate periodic testing against trunk as we work toward 1.1.4, so we
can make sure rcov keeps working against JRuby.

  • Charlie

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