rbTenjin + Apache?



looks nice. Does someone know how to set it up with Apache?
(Both are already installed and work on my linux box here)

Quoth Marc H.:



looks nice. Does someone know how to set it up with Apache?
(Both are already installed and work on my linux box here)

Looks like a cross between erb (google it) and PHP (ugh). Have you seen
Markaby / RedCloth etc? There are many nicer and more ruby-esque tools

This is how I did it, I am not an Apache guru so please correct me
anybody if this is a bad way to do it:

For Ubuntu 7.10 and assuming you already have mod_ruby and ruby gems

  1. Install tenjin

gem install tenjin

  1. Make make a file named ruby.conf under /etc/apache2/conf.d

Add the following into ruby.conf

AddType text/html .rbx

RubyRequire apache/ruby-run

<Files *.rbx>
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler ruby-object
RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance

  1. Go into /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb

Add the following under where it says ‘require “singleton”’

require “singleton”
require “rubygems”
require “tenjin”

  1. Test it out:

Go to your Apache Document Root where you serve your files.
Create a file named main.rbx and enter the following:

engine = Tenjin::Engine.new()

context = {:title=>‘Hello World’}
filename = ‘file.rbhtml’
output = engine.render(filename, context)
puts output

Create a template named file.rbhtml and include the following



Goto your browser and type in: YOURDOMAIN/main.rbx

Your browser should then display “Hello World”.

Marc H. wrote:



looks nice. Does someone know how to set it up with Apache?
(Both are already installed and work on my linux box here)

Hi there,

Thanks for the help!

Marc H. wrote:

Hi there,

Thanks for the help!

I forgot to mention, you will need to have write permissions on the
directory where your template (e.g. file.rbhtml) is placed in. This is
because tenjin creates a .cache version of your .rbhtml in the same
directory, thus if you do not have write permissions, it will not work.