Rbridge 0.1 Released

rbridge version 0.1 has been released!


  • Allows use of Erlang code within Ruby


0.1 / 2008-01-04 (vosechu)

  • 1 major enhancement

    • Allows many-lined Erlang commands when using the Erlang class for
  • 3 minor enhancements

    • Revised error checking to allow custom resolution
    • stop_server/0 now shuts down any servers running in an erl shell
    • created tests to run with RSpec and autotest (erl server must be
      on port 9900).
  • 3 other changes

    • Forked onto rubyforge complete with rdocs, gem, etc.
    • Translated some comments into english as well as the README
    • Packaged explicitly with gpl documentation
  • <by Chuck V. (adapted from Toshi Hirooka’s RulangBridge)>

  • <ruby-mnesia.rubyforge.org (originally
    Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.)>