.rb security

Hi All,

Wondering if possible to compile a ruby script to byte code that can be
executed in command line just as a .rb

Similar to that of .pyc for a .py

Is this possible in Ruby.

Thanks, Ed

On May 28, 6:18 pm, Ed Gallagher [email protected] wrote:

Hi All,

Wondering if possible to compile a ruby script to byte code that can be
executed in command line just as a .rb

You mean encrypt/lock your source code?

No, Ruby do not provide that functionality.

However, you can use things like tar2rubyscript and similar.

Or package things as executables using Ocra or exerb

Or using JRuby, compile everything into a jar file.

Il 29/05/10 00.05, Luis L. ha scritto:

Or using JRuby, compile everything into a jar file.

Luis, i think you forgot to say: “And unless you compile the rb into a
class, you just pack everything into a zip file with another extension”
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Luis L.

  • Francesco

Ed Gallagher wrote:

Wondering if possible to compile a ruby script to byte code that can be
executed in command line just as a .rb

Short answer: No, it doesn’t.

(Slightly) longer answer: No, Ruby doesn’t support storing and
loading bytecode, but most Ruby Implementations do. IOW: it’s not
part of the Ruby Language Specification, but most Ruby Implementations
support it anyway. However, each Implementation has its own bytecode,
its own archive format and its own APIs. And, of course, some
implementations don’t even have bytecode, so it’s obviously
impossible for them to support bytecode loading.

(Much too) long answer: There is no portable bytecode specification
for Ruby, and thus also no standard way to load precompiled bytecode
archives. However, almost all Ruby implementations use some kind of
bytecode or intcode format, and several of them can dump and reload
bytecode archives.

YARV (http://Ruby-Lang.Org/) always compiles to bytecode before
executing the code, however that is usually only done in memory. There
are ways to dump out the bytecode to disk and to read it back in

Rubinius (http://Rubini.us/) also always compiles to bytecode, and
it has a format for compiled files
(‘.rbc’ files, analogous to JVM ‘.class’ files).

XRuby (http://XRuby.GoogleCode.Com/) is a pure compiler, it compiles
Ruby sourcecode straight to JVM bytecode (‘.class’ files). You can
deploy these ‘.class’ files just like any other Java application.

JRuby (http://JRuby.Org/) started out as an interpreter, but it has
both a JIT compiler and an AOT compiler
(‘jrubyc’) that can compile Ruby sourcecode to JVM bytecode (‘.class’
files). Also, work is underway to create a new
compiler that can compile (type-annotated) Ruby code to JVM bytecode
that actually looks like a Java class and can be used from Java code
without barriers.

Ruby.NET (http://RubyDotNETCompiler.GoogleCode.Com/) is a pure
compiler that compiles Ruby sourcecode to CIL bytecode (PE ‘.dll’ or
‘.exe’ files). You can deploy these just like any other CLI

MacRuby (http://MacRuby.Org/) doesn’t allow you to compile to
bytecode, but it allows you to compile to native code.

IronRuby (http://IronRuby.Net/) also compiles to CIL bytecode, but
typically does this in-memory. However, you can pass commandline
to it, so it dumps the ‘.dll’ and ‘.exe’ files out to disk. Once you
have those, they can be deployed normally, just like any other PE
executable wherever you have an installation of .NET or Mono.

automatically pre-parses Ruby sourcecode into BRIL (BlueRuby
Intermediate Language), which is basically a serialized parsetree.
(See Blue Ruby - A Ruby VM in SAP ABAP
for details.)

I think (but I am definitely not sure) that there is a way to get
Cardinal (https://GitHub.Com/Cardinal/Cardinal/) to dump out Parrot
(http://ParrotCode.Org/) bytecode archives (PBC). (Actually,
Cardinal only compiles to PAST, and then Parrot takes over, so it
would be Parrot’s job to dump and load bytecode archives.)

MRI doesn’t have a bytecode.

HotRuby (http://HotRuby.Accelart.Jp/) and Red Sun
(https://GitHub.Com/JonathanBranam/RedSun/) appear to have the same
bytecode format as YARV, and they appear to be able to load bytecode,
but I am not familiar with them and can’t make a definitive statement.

I am not familiar enough with tinyrb
(http://Code.MACournoyer.Com/tinyrb/), RubyGoLightly
(http://Feyeleanor.GitHub.Com/RubyGoLightly/), SmallRuby
(http://SWING.FIT.CVUT.Cz/projects/smallruby/) or MagLev
(http://MagLev.GemStone.Com/) to make any statement about them.


2010/5/30 Jörg W Mittag [email protected]:

JRuby (http://JRuby.Org/) started out as an interpreter, but it has
both a JIT compiler and an AOT compiler
(‘jrubyc’) that can compile Ruby sourcecode to JVM bytecode (‘.class’
files). Also, work is underway to create a new
compiler that can compile (type-annotated) Ruby code to JVM bytecode
that actually looks like a Java class and can be used from Java code
without barriers.

This has largely landed in 1.5.1, with improvements to follow in 1.6 I’m

The following Ruby code:

class Foo
def initialize(a, b); @a, @b = a, b; end
def foo(a); @a + a; end
def self.bar(a); a * a; end

Compiles to this Java class (just outlined here):

~/projects/jruby âž” jrubyc --javac foo.rb
Generating Java class Foo to /Users/headius/projects/jruby/Foo.java
javac -d /Users/headius/projects/jruby -cp

~/projects/jruby âž” javap Foo
Compiled from “Foo.java”
public class Foo extends org.jruby.RubyObject{
public static org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject
allocate(org.jruby.Ruby, org.jruby.RubyClass);
public Foo(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object);
public java.lang.Object foo(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.Object bar(java.lang.Object);
static {};

Adding type signatures to appease Java:

require ‘java’

class Foo
java_signature “Foo(int, String)”
def initialize(a, b); @a, @b = a, b; end
java_signature “int foo(int)”
def foo(a); @a + a; end
java_signature “String bar(String)”
def self.bar(a); a + a; end

Produces the following class:

Compiled from “Foo.java”
public class Foo extends org.jruby.RubyObject{
public static org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject
allocate(org.jruby.Ruby, org.jruby.RubyClass);
public Foo(int, java.lang.String);
public int foo(int);
public static java.lang.String bar(java.lang.String);
static {};

Fun and simple :slight_smile:

  • Charlie