Raw SQL from a Rake Task

How do I execute a raw SQL file from a rake task? Right now I have

require ‘active_record’
desc “Get all the pico HTML mess into a Ruby model”
task :muck => :environment do
puts “About to process 'uge SQL file…\n”
execute “#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/html_template.sql”
puts “File executed\n”

But when I try it, I get this error:
undefined method `execute’ for main:Object

Anyone know how to use a raw sql file in a rake task?

import foo.sql

No, that’s not quite it, because it’s a ruby command on a .sql file.
It’s not a rake task, but accomplishes what you’re trying to do.

I believe that rake can be used to import CVS data, which might be
more convenient…

For some reason, running “import foo.sql” opens up X11, then hangs.
There must be some way to execute SQL in a rake task…

I also would be interested to know how to do this!

On pg 38 (?) of “ruby on rails, up and running” by oreilly, they
describe something along the lines of:

import foo.sql

No, that’s not quite it, because it’s a ruby command on a .sql file.
It’s not a rake task, but accomplishes what you’re trying to do.

I believe that rake can be used to import CVS data, which might be
more convenient…


On 13 Feb 2008, at 20:48, Joe P. wrote:

puts “File executed\n”

But when I try it, I get this error:
undefined method `execute’ for main:Object



Can you just shell out to whatever command-line tool your database
supports for executing large sql files?

Frederick C. wrote:



That seems to work if actual sql code is put in the parenthesis, but how
can I run SQL out of a sql file in the rake task?

Doing this in the rake task:

gives me this error:
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
use near ‘/projects/trieste2/db/html_template.sql’ at line 1:

How can I run the sql that is in the sql file?

Joe P. wrote:

Roy P. wrote:

Can you just shell out to whatever command-line tool your database
supports for executing large sql files?

Yeah, I can. Now I ran into good ol’ Error 1136: Column count doesn’t
match value count at row 1

It really looks to me like it should work, but I’m sure there’s some
tiny thing that is wrong.

insert into html_templates (id, name, htmlcode, style, js, count)
\r\nborder-color:#333333; \r\nborder-style:solid;\r\n}\r\n’,‘’,‘0’);

Okay, figured it out. I’ll post this in case someone else stumbles
around looking for how to fix this error.


you need to load the .sql file into ruby,
and then call .execute on it.

sql = File.open(“some.sql”).read
sql.split(‘;’).each do |sql_statement|

We split it by “;” because a .sql file may contain multiple
and you’ll need to execute those seperately.

But that should work fine.


Roy P. wrote:

Can you just shell out to whatever command-line tool your database
supports for executing large sql files?

Yeah, I can. Now I ran into good ol’ Error 1136: Column count doesn’t
match value count at row 1

It really looks to me like it should work, but I’m sure there’s some
tiny thing that is wrong.

insert into html_templates (id, name, htmlcode, style, js, count)
\r\nborder-color:#333333; \r\nborder-style:solid;\r\n}\r\n’,’’,‘0’);