Rating, hit count & Popularity

Hi! I’m thinking of adding popularity ratings to the content on my
site. Basically, there are 2 metrics that I’m thinking of.

The first is the ability to rate the content - and then, find the
highest rated articles.
The second is to maintain a page hit count and find the most viewed

Any ideas or suggestions? Any plugins/ extensions to recommend?

11/8/2007 | 1:59 AM.

I’ve laid down the basic structure for a rails plugin
(acts_as_starrable) that does what you need.

Unfortunately it’s not ready yet, so if you have a bit of patience you
can contact me next week and I’ll hopefully be more helpful :slight_smile:

2007/11/7, Mohit S. [email protected]:

Giovanni I. wrote:

I’ve laid down the basic structure for a rails plugin
(acts_as_starrable) that does what you need.

Unfortunately it’s not ready yet, so if you have a bit of patience you
can contact me next week and I’ll hopefully be more helpful :slight_smile:

Hi Giovanni,

I was just looking through my emails and realized that it’s been more
than a week (since Nov 2007) - so, I thought I’d ping you up to see if
this ever got released :slight_smile:

1/28/2008 | 11:58 PM.

Giovanni I. wrote:

I’ve laid down the basic structure for a rails plugin
(acts_as_starrable) that does what you need.

Unfortunately it’s not ready yet, so if you have a bit of patience you
can contact me next week and I’ll hopefully be more helpful :slight_smile:

Thanks Giovanni,

I have patience - there’s plenty more to do on my site, and since it’s a
voluntary site for a community, I don’t have “client pressures” to
meet! Do announce to us if it’s working out well (and I’ll bug you a
bit again at the end of next week).

11/8/2007 | 2:28 AM.