Rarity, generating C++ bindings for Ruby scripts

Greetings !

I just wrote and released a tool that might be useful to some,
disponible on my git-hub with tutorial and sample provided:

Rarity is both a script and a set of C++ objects for easily using Ruby
from C++ programs.
The goal is to bring to C++ developer a way to easily create scriptable
features by allowing them to expose their API to Ruby without writing a
single line of code.

Rarity makes it very easy to make your C++ objects available from Ruby
and vice-versa.
A script generates bindings from a YML description of your API. While a
few C++ objects allow you to instantiate and use Ruby objects from C++
and to convert easily C++ and Ruby type to their counterpart in the
other language.

Rarity also takes most of the efforts away from memory management,
ensuring that objects allocated from C++ will have their memory managed
by the developer (as expected), while objects allocated from Ruby will
be handled by the garbage collector.

It also takes care of converting the supported types from Ruby to C++
types when Ruby calls a method from a C++ object.
Supported types are any type described in your YML files, along with
String, Fixnum, Float, Booleans. I plan to also implement Array, Hash
and Proc in the near future.

I’m open for suggestions and reflexions.
What do you think ?