I would like to know how to obtain random string of 8 characters, and if
it possible, obtaining readable strings. For example, I would like to
obtain strings like “chocoles” and not string like “akgudyfn”
John S. wrote:
I would like to know how to obtain random string of 8 characters, and if
it possible, obtaining readable strings. For example, I would like to
obtain strings like “chocoles” and not string like “akgudyfn”
As for a purely random string, I’ve got this in my lib directory…
class String
class << self
def random(opts = {})
if opts[:character_set]
chars = opts[:character_set]
chars = (“a”…“z”).to_a unless opts[:lowercase] == false
chars += (“A”…“Z”).to_a if opts[:uppercase]
chars += (“0”…“9”).to_a if opts[:alphanumeric]
chars += opts[:additional_character_set] if
newstr = “”
1.upto(opts[:length] || 42) { |i| newstr <<
chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
return newstr
which lets me call
x = String.random(:length => 42)
John S. wrote:
I would like to know how to obtain random string of 8 characters, and if
it possible, obtaining readable strings. For example, I would like to
obtain strings like “chocoles” and not string like “akgudyfn”
As soon as you try to accomplish readability you sacrifice a lot of
randomness. If you’re willing to make that compromise, would this work?
Define two arrays, one of vowels and one of consonants. Then generate
8-letter words by choosing a random consonant, then a vowel, then… [do
4.times]. That would give you words like:
…and so on.
You could try to add double-consonant sounds like ch, th, sh, but that
would make your letter count more tricky.
- Aaron
Hi –
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008, Aaron Brown wrote:
8-letter words by choosing a random consonant, then a vowel, then… [do
4.times]. That would give you words like:jerotowe
You’d better trademark that last one before Taco Bell gets hold of it
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On Mar 14, 2008, at 8:24 PM, John S. wrote:
I would like to know how to obtain random string of 8 characters,
and if
it possible, obtaining readable strings. For example, I would like to
obtain strings like “chocoles” and not string like “akgudyfn”
Take a look at Bubble Babble or RFC 1751:
Watch out for, errr, unexpected results though:
On Mar 14, 7:24 pm, John S. [email protected]
I would like to know how to obtain random string of 8 characters, and if
it possible, obtaining readable strings. For example, I would like to
obtain strings like “chocoles” and not string like “akgudyfn”
In addition to the other suggestions, apg (http://www.adel.nursat.kz/
apg/) is worth a look.
On Mar 14, 2008, at 8:24 PM, John S. wrote:
I would like to know how to obtain random string of 8 characters,
and if
it possible, obtaining readable strings. For example, I would like to
obtain strings like “chocoles” and not string like “akgudyfn”
Also, if you like overkill, ‘yould’ is kind of fun: