RAML v0.2.0 released

RAML 0.2.0 has been released.

RAML is a Ruby-syntax-based data language.

A very early release of RAML, presently only supporting an eval-based
parser. Ultimately the intent is to provide a true parser, that can
restict the format to pure data.


  • Initial implementation.

[email protected] писал 28.10.2011 19:43:

A very early release of RAML, presently only supporting an eval-based
parser. Ultimately the intent is to provide a true parser, that can
restict the format to pure data.


  • Initial implementation.

All links on http://rubyworks.github.com/raml/ leading to rubydoc.info
display an
error message:

We can’t seem to find any versions for the gem raml. Are you sure you
typed it correctly?

Thanks. Looks like QED document did not get in the gem. I fixed and
pushed a new 0.2.1 release. As soon as rubydoc.info refreshes it
should pop up.

Note also, the “build status: fail” notice form travis-ci is only b/c
of a minor issue in my test framework on Rubinius. All tests (as
limited as they may be) are actually passing.