Rake update_javascripts on edge has no effect

I moved to the edge yesterday and ran rake update_javascripts to get the
latest prototype stuff into my public directory. To my surprise, the
old files were still there afterward.

I just took a peek at javascripts.rake in
vendor/rails/railties/lib/tasks. The update_javascripts task is copying
.js files from Dir[RAILTIES_PATH + ‘/html/javascripts/*.js’] My
railties however has no such html directory so the cp has no effect.

The .js files seem to be located in

Did I do something wrong to cause the html directory to be absent in my
railties hierarchy?

mkay, so my question is a bit of a duplicate of
RaislsEdge - where to get latest javascripts? - Rails - Ruby-Forum Sorry about that. Anyhoo,
my problem seems to be that my railties hierarchy has only a lib dir.
It has no html dir at all. I wonder why.

Looking at railties lib/tasks/framework.rake
I see that the freeze_edge task does not export the html directory at
all, to wit:

for framework in %w( railties actionpack activerecord actionmailer
activesupport actionwebservice )
mkdir_p “vendor/rails/#{framework}”
system “svn export
vendor/rails/#{framework}/lib #{revision_switch}”

'sup with that? Does update_javascripts not work with a project that
has been freeze_edge’d?

Looking at railties lib/tasks/framework.rake
I see that the freeze_edge task does not export the html directory at
all. 'sup with that? Does update_javascripts not work with a project
that has been freeze_edge’d?

This happened to me as well - just copy the javascript files over by
and it should work fine.


Thanks Zack. That works fine. But I just wanted to know if it was
supposed to work automatically. I’m wondering what conditions have to
hold for update_javascripts to work as advertised. Do you know what
conditions have to hold in order for the html directory to be present in
the railties hierarchy?