Rake task for focused examples


Is it possible to make a rake task to run examples with a certain
filter on? In this case I want to run rake spec:focused and run only
the examples with :focus => true.

  • Toni

On Nov 3, 2010, at 1:08 AM, Toni T. wrote:


Is it possible to make a rake task to run examples with a certain
filter on? In this case I want to run rake spec:focused and run only
the examples with :focus => true.

Not yet. Right now (2.0.1) the only way to define filters is in an
RSpec.configure block. I do it like the first example on
If there are any examples or groups with “:focus => true”, only those
get run. If there are not, then everything gets run.

There is an open issue/pull request to add command line support for
“tags” similar to that in Cucumber. So if you have:

describe “foo”, :fast => true do
it(“does something”){ … }

Then you can do this on the command line:

rspec spec --tags fast

I’m planning to include this in the next minor release (2.1.0). Once
that’s in place you can set up rake tasks like this:

RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:fast) do |t|
t.rspec_options = “–tags fast”

Take a look at the pull request
(Support for tags on CLI by lailsonbm · Pull Request #205 · rspec/rspec-core · GitHub) to see all the options
that will be available once this in place. It’s going to be pretty


Ok, thanks. That functionality is enough for me for now at least.

  • Toni

Humm, I did not know about the run_all_when_everything_filtered option.
very useful for me
