Rake spec:models failing

Hi there,

I’m having trouble with rake spec:models. It’s failing on:

  • 1 old rspec/rails project
  • all new rspec/rails projects

But, it is working fine on my other (older) rspec/rails projects. All
projects are on rspec & rails 1.0.8, Rails 1.2.3, os X ppc

Here’s a fresh rspec/rails project with failing rake task

$ rails test_app -d postgresql
$ cd test_app/
$ jedit config/database.yml
$ createdb test_app_test
$ createdb test_app_development

$ ./script/plugin install
$ ./script/plugin install

$ ./script/generate rspec
$ ./script/generate rspec_model Account
$ jedit db/migrate/001_create_accounts.rb app/models/account.rb

$ rake spec:models
(in /Users/kmcd/tmp/test_app)
undefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /Users/kmcd/tmp/test_app/vendor/plugins/rspec/bin/spec:2
rake aborted!
Command ruby -I"/Users/kmcd/tmp/test_app/vendor/plugins/rspec/lib"
“spec/models/account_spec.rb” --options
“/Users/kmcd/tmp/test_app/config/…/spec/spec.opts” failed


In my older project the tables aren’t loading into the test database.
All specs fail with:

RuntimeError: ERROR C42P01 Mrelation “table_name” does not exist

I’ve checked my other rspec & rails projects – they’re fine.

I’ve also checked out previous revisions of the failing project which
ran rake spec:models successfully. They all now fail with the same
error (no tables in test db).

Any ideas how to track this one down? I’ve spent 3 hours on it without

