So more Raking - wanting to divide up projects in subdirs into
sandbox directories but also have parent rakefile actually include their
“children” into the dependency graph to be more efficient and accurate.
and yet allow each “sandbox” rakefile.
I have come up with the below and want to know if this is a ‘best’ way
or if people see it as silly and there is a more “normal” method
(I am a recent Ruby/Rake newbee)
pardon tabs expand big here
a ‘parent’ rakefile
task :default => [:test]
load all rakefiles for sub projects, create tasks
and dependecy graph
rakefiles =’**/rakefile.rb’))
myDir = pwd # save here
rakefiles.each do |rakefile|
cd File.dirname(rakefile)
load ‘rakefile.rb’
cd myDir # restore here
:subtest is in a subdirectory module
task :test => [:subtest] do |t|
p “root test”
rakefile in a subdirectory
while “file” defacto anonymous module do
public # defacto private nut public for internal blocks
variables are “instance” variables
@me = object_id # unique for this Module and small
def doIt
puts “doing it in #{@me}”
module_function :doIt # is there an easier way to do this?
namespace @me do # unique (private) namespace for this module
# private task definitions for this module
task :subtest do |t|
puts “submake subtest in #{@me}”
all file tasks used to create fules and tasks
must be full paths so they are all unique
and no file task will be messed up ???
files =’*’));
public tasks (targets) seen by parent namespace
task :subtest => [ “#{@me}:subtest”, files ].flatten do |t|
puts “submake test”
end # end private module