Rake error,?

Hello RoR Developers

I got tiny problem with rakefile,

require ‘gettext/utils’
require ‘gettext/rails’

desc “Update pot/po files to match new version.”
task :updatepo do
TEXT_DOMAIN = “myapp”
APP_VERSION = “myapp 1.1.0”

rake updatepo

and result,

C:…\rails\po>rake updatepo
(in C:/…/rails)
Error occurs in app/models/m_account.rb
rake aborted!
development database is not configured
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

how can I solve it, any idea…

and I have one question more,could you tell me the architecture of
gettext, how it works,
could you tell me like MCV architecture ,
I couldn t understand well,
I create strings for gettext ( _(’’)), and create template .pot file,
and then copy and rename with .po file, translate and edit .po file, and
then create .mo file from .po file.
finally I add it to my rails application,
init_gettext “myapp”

do I miss anything, because I couldnt run it…


I solve the rake error but still have problem with gettext. Anyway I
will keep try.

Lamer L. wrote:

I solve the rake error but still have problem with gettext. Anyway I
will keep try.

There is a configuration file that the plugin installed… find it in
your config directory… edit it to match the db defined in
config/database.yaml and you will be all set…

By the way, the readme file that ships with the plugin gives you step by
step directions to get started with it…

