I issue the following commands:
rails new dummy_app
cd dummy_app
rake doc:rails
When issuing the last command I notice that rake aborts due to denied
permissions. See below.
rm -r doc/api
Parsing sources
100% [485/485]
Generating Darkfish format into
rake aborted!
error generating
Permission denied
Tasks: TOP => doc:rails => doc/api/index.html
(See full trace by running task withtrace)
Performing ls -la
-rw-r–r-- 1 root admin 92997 27 Nov 23:17
Is this normal behavior? Ive googled and searched forums but to no
Im a noob to all this and am willing to do what is needed to grok this.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
(on Mac OS X 10.6)