Rake db:migrate:up to change scaffold?

I created a scaffold for a table ‘mytable’ in mysql with two columns and
then ran rake db:migrate. This worked. Then I wanted to add a column to
the existing ‘mytable’ in the database. So I go to migrate directory and
modify the create_mytable.rb file to add a new column. Then I run rake
db:migrate:up . Gives me error: rake aborted VERSION is required.

I want to know how to change scaffold and change database during my
development. I am thinking of changing datatypes or coulumns in the

Am I using wrong approach, please let me know.
Also references to advanced tutorials on scaffolding would help me.

You don’t change the migration you’ve already ran, you make a new one.

For more on migrations, see here:

Steve K. wrote:

You don’t change the migration you’ve already ran, you make a new one.

For more on migrations, see here:
Active Record Migrations — Ruby on Rails Guides

Thank you. I am reading up on it.