We are working on some deployment scripts for our JRuby/Rails
application. We use warble to deploy wars into tomcat on our app
servers. Since we wont have a local copy of Jruby on the app servers
is there an easy way to run a rake db:migrate as part of the
deployment process? It would be easiest if we can run this as a jar
file somehow but wasnt sure what other people are doing here.
There was a very similar question (and an answer) earlier this month:
Since this has come up twice now and was definitely a point of confusion
when I was deploying a JRuby/Rails app, it would be cool if there was
some official guidance on the Wiki or something about the “right” way to
deploy on app servers where you have minimal control.
In my case, I just ended up installing JRuby on the server. This was
over the phone with an admin because the server was remote and behind a
firewall. It felt like a pretty kludgy solution and definitely didn’t
help me look like I knew what I was doing, which I didn’t.