I just upgraded from Rails 2.2.2 to Rails 2.3.2, and found that
running rake db:migrate fails now in production mode, unless I add “–
require ‘config/environment’” between “rake” and “db:migrate”. The
error complains that model classes referenced in our migrations are
not defined. In development mode, everything works as usual.
Is this to be expected, or have I missed some step in the upgrade?
Quoting Paul E. G. Lynch [email protected]:
I just upgraded from Rails 2.2.2 to Rails 2.3.2, and found that
running rake db:migrate fails now in production mode, unless I add “–
require ‘config/environment’” between “rake” and “db:migrate”. The
error complains that model classes referenced in our migrations are
not defined. In development mode, everything works as usual.
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
It works fine for me on two different Rails 2.3.2 Linux hosts (OpenSuSE
on an IBM ThinkPad and Debian 5.0 on an Amazon EC2 instance).
What is the error message and/or symptoms?