I have uploaded one project on my account on one of the servers. When
I do migrate
the database rake db:migrate
i get this error
rake aborted! undefined method `time_zone=’ for #
any idea on how to solve this problem
I have uploaded one project on my account on one of the servers. When
I do migrate
the database rake db:migrate
i get this error
rake aborted! undefined method `time_zone=’ for #
any idea on how to solve this problem
On 30 Jun 2008, at 09:20, Shuaib85 wrote:
any idea on how to solve this problem
That usually means you generated your apps using rails 2.1 (or edge
rails) but the app itself is running 2.0.2.
This happened to a lot of people that had used aptana at least once
because it added stuff to your gem sources list.
Removing the offending line from your environment.rb should do the
trick, and you should probably check the versions of the rails gems
you have installed.
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