Rake aborted.... No rake file found

Hi all,

I am facing a problem while freezing rails gems. When i am running the
rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-6… it is giving the error
rake aborted!
rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-6
No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb,
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



What is the path where you execute rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-6


Jean-Etienne D. wrote:


What is the path where you execute rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-6


Hi Jean,

Actually the problem is my earlier application uses the gems 1.1.6 and i
didn’t freeze the gems, now the gems have automatically updated to
1.2.4. Am not able to run my previous application, for this reason only
I was trying to freeze gems. The path where I am executing rake
rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-6 is C:\rails\folkstory. Is there any way
through which I can run my previous application. I have installed both
versions of rails 1.1.6 and 1.2.4 even then I am not able to run the

Some of the commands with rails version 1.2.4 are oboselete… can you
tell me some tutorial which covers the commands which would use with
version 1.2.4.


Hey ,

one thing what you do is just uninstall all the gem and install which
ever gem you needed.
say if you wanted to install rails 1.1.6 after uninstalling all gem,
just try install only that
gem rails-1.1.6 it wil through any dependency error, so install all of
them(or you can use -y option), then every-thing will
be fine again. Then run whatever rake taks you need. (may be freezing

Or else
you can set in your config/environment.rb RAILS_GEM_VERSION to what
ever rails version you
need. Here you don’t need to freeze you gem since you already
specified your RAILS_GEM_VERSION.
Even you give environment variable like this (export

Or else
You can move your gem folder, like this, just type
gem env → for example if it gives /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/gems/
1.8 then,
move /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/gems to /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/
gems-new then reinstall all the gems.

after this whenever you want to use new-gems just set GEM_PATH and
GEM_HOME environment variables to /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/gems-new/
or what ever you want.(should contains installed gems)

I guess one of this might solve your problem. Presently i am following
the last approach,

Good luck,

On Oct 5, 5:23 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]

raghukumar wrote:

Hey ,

one thing what you do is just uninstall all the gem and install which
ever gem you needed.
say if you wanted to install rails 1.1.6 after uninstalling all gem,
just try install only that
gem rails-1.1.6 it wil through any dependency error, so install all of
them(or you can use -y option), then every-thing will
be fine again. Then run whatever rake taks you need. (may be freezing

Or else
you can set in your config/environment.rb RAILS_GEM_VERSION to what
ever rails version you
need. Here you don’t need to freeze you gem since you already
specified your RAILS_GEM_VERSION.
Even you give environment variable like this (export

Or else
You can move your gem folder, like this, just type
gem env → for example if it gives /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/gems/
1.8 then,
move /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/gems to /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/
gems-new then reinstall all the gems.

after this whenever you want to use new-gems just set GEM_PATH and
GEM_HOME environment variables to /home/raghuk/local/lib/ruby/gems-new/
or what ever you want.(should contains installed gems)

I guess one of this might solve your problem. Presently i am following
the last approach,

Good luck,

On Oct 5, 5:23 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]


I am doing the same way you mentioned above. I have uninstalled rails
version 1.2.4, installed rails 1.1.6 even then the application is not
working, Webrick server is getting started but the application is not
running. One more thing, after doing this if I am trying to create new
application then the server is not starting.


did you uninstall all the dependency gems for rails 1.2.4 , then
installed rails 1.1.6 and the dependency gems.
if yes, just type the command’ gem env’ and ‘gem dependency’, then
post the output here.

and one more thing is what do you mean by application is not working,
just try this tell me the output.

Go to your application(project). this command will clear all the log
files under log/ directory. So, back up if necessary those log files.

So, try ‘rake log:clear’ after that, start your webrick server, then
try connecting if it throws any error or if you are not able to
connect to
your application., just see the log files under log directory and do
paste it here. And post only those log output environment, for which
webrick server is running.

On Oct 6, 9:50 am, Ruchita S. [email protected]

raghukumar wrote:


did you uninstall all the dependency gems for rails 1.2.4 , then
installed rails 1.1.6 and the dependency gems.
if yes, just type the command’ gem env’ and ‘gem dependency’, then
post the output here.

and one more thing is what do you mean by application is not working,
just try this tell me the output.

Go to your application(project). this command will clear all the log
files under log/ directory. So, back up if necessary those log files.

So, try ‘rake log:clear’ after that, start your webrick server, then
try connecting if it throws any error or if you are not able to
connect to
your application., just see the log files under log directory and do
paste it here. And post only those log output environment, for which
webrick server is running.

On Oct 6, 9:50 am, Ruchita S. [email protected]


Resolved the problem by uninstalling all the versions of rails and
dependencies as told by you. I also uninstalled mysql. After that I
again installed rails 1.1.6 and mysql. now my applications is running.

Thanks for your help,
Ruchita S.

yes, in rails version >= 1.2.3 there some helper methods which are
deprecated, one of them is start_form_tag and end_form_tag

if you freeze your gems just it copies all the gems from your gem
installed directory to your application’s vendor/ directory, and
starts using that.
i just wanted to know what’s there in RecipeController’s search method
and what’s there is in your config/routes.rb file, under your

when you type gem dependecy which version of rails it shows, whether
it shows both or only one.
if it shows both means any new project created from now on will use
the latest gem. Since, you are creating a new project it’s better
to use the latest gem, otherwise you have to take pain of migrating
your application from 1.1.6 to 1.2.4(or which ever you use).
SInce 1.2.4 compared to 1.1.6 is much beter, meaning the way code is
written internally, lot of optimization has happed. (I know
this is secondary. but just informed)
Still if you want to use 1.1.6 it will surely work, if you have done
the environment.rb file change for RAIL_GEM_VERSION.

you have to change it like this
before change:
RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘1.2.4’ unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION
after change:

you can see all the deprecated things from 1.1.6 to 1.2.4 here.

On Oct 8, 12:54 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]

you can solve this buy commenting this line in your config/routes.rb

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id.:format’

Ruchita S. wrote:

raghukumar wrote:


did you uninstall all the dependency gems for rails 1.2.4 , then
installed rails 1.1.6 and the dependency gems.
if yes, just type the command’ gem env’ and ‘gem dependency’, then
post the output here.

and one more thing is what do you mean by application is not working,
just try this tell me the output.

Go to your application(project). this command will clear all the log
files under log/ directory. So, back up if necessary those log files.

So, try ‘rake log:clear’ after that, start your webrick server, then
try connecting if it throws any error or if you are not able to
connect to
your application., just see the log files under log directory and do
paste it here. And post only those log output environment, for which
webrick server is running.

On Oct 6, 9:50 am, Ruchita S. [email protected]


Resolved the problem by uninstalling all the versions of rails and
dependencies as told by you. I also uninstalled mysql. After that I
again installed rails 1.1.6 and mysql. now my applications is running.

Thanks for your help,
Ruchita S.


One more problem is there… I hope you would help me out. I am trying
to create a new application. I have mentioned the rails version 1.1.6 in
environment.rb file. When I am trying to run my application like
http://localhost:3000/recipe/search” it is redirecting to page

When I changed the rails version 1.2.4 then it is redirecting properly
but giving error like “start_form_tag” is depreciated. I want my rails
application to run with the rails version 1.1.6. Shall I freeze gems to
1.1.6 or do I need to make some other environment changes. Please do let
me know.

Ruchita S.

raghukumar wrote:

you can solve this buy commenting this line in your config/routes.rb

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id.:format’

When I am using gem dependency it is showing both versions of rails
1.1.6 and 1.2.4.
As told by you when i commented the line ‘map.connect
:controller/:action/:id.:format’, it is not giving that particular error
but still it is not showing the results. Under log/development it is
giving the error :

DEPRECATION WARNING: start_form_tag is deprecated and will be removed
from Rails 2.0 (use form_tag instead) See
Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. for details. (called from
_run_rhtml_47app47views47recipe47search46rhtml at
DEPRECATION WARNING: end_form_tag is deprecated and will be removed from
Rails 2.0 See Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. for details.
(called from _run_rhtml_47app47views47recipe47search46rhtml at
Completed in 0.00010 (10000 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK

Also I have changed the rails version in my environment.rb file.


Please tell me why it is giving the particular error when i have changed
the version of rails to 1.1.6.

that’s not a error, it’s just a warning, as i said before, some of
helper methods(start_form_tag,end_form_tag.etc) are deprecated in
rails version >= 1.2.3
so that’s just warning saying those methods will not available under
rails 2.0. But after doing this, is you application is working fine.

Go to your application console like this.
(under your project).
“script/console” run this file it gives a prompt. then type “puts
RAILS_GEM_VERSION” what’s the value you are getting?
if you are getting 1.1.6, then it’s correct. Otherwise still you are
using newer rails gem.

And even i have two versions of rails, i generated a new project with
rails myproject # command
and i just changed RAILS_GEM_VERSION to 1.1.6
that’s it everything is still working fine.

On Oct 8, 2:29 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]

raghukumar wrote:

that’s not a error, it’s just a warning, as i said before, some of
helper methods(start_form_tag,end_form_tag.etc) are deprecated in
rails version >= 1.2.3
so that’s just warning saying those methods will not available under
rails 2.0. But after doing this, is you application is working fine.

Go to your application console like this.
(under your project).
“script/console” run this file it gives a prompt. then type “puts
RAILS_GEM_VERSION” what’s the value you are getting?
if you are getting 1.1.6, then it’s correct. Otherwise still you are
using newer rails gem.

And even i have two versions of rails, i generated a new project with
rails myproject # command
and i just changed RAILS_GEM_VERSION to 1.1.6
that’s it everything is still working fine.

On Oct 8, 2:29 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]


I have replaced the boots.rb file with the previous version file of
rails. Still it was not working well and throwing the same warning.

If I run the command “script/console” and type "puts

RAILS_GEM_VERSION" , it is giving the version 1.1.6 of Rails.

Now i have replaced the start_form_tag and end_form_tag with form_tag
only and it is working fine.

Thanks for the help,
If any other help is required I’ll contact you. I am creating the
project named
Project Management. I might require some sort of help regarding this.

Ruchita S…

Ruchita S. wrote:

raghukumar wrote:

that’s not a error, it’s just a warning, as i said before, some of
helper methods(start_form_tag,end_form_tag.etc) are deprecated in
rails version >= 1.2.3
so that’s just warning saying those methods will not available under
rails 2.0. But after doing this, is you application is working fine.

Go to your application console like this.
(under your project).
“script/console” run this file it gives a prompt. then type “puts
RAILS_GEM_VERSION” what’s the value you are getting?
if you are getting 1.1.6, then it’s correct. Otherwise still you are
using newer rails gem.

And even i have two versions of rails, i generated a new project with
rails myproject # command
and i just changed RAILS_GEM_VERSION to 1.1.6
that’s it everything is still working fine.

On Oct 8, 2:29 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]


I have replaced the boots.rb file with the previous version file of
rails. Still it was not working well and throwing the same warning.

If I run the command “script/console” and type "puts

RAILS_GEM_VERSION" , it is giving the version 1.1.6 of Rails.

Now i have replaced the start_form_tag and end_form_tag with form_tag
only and it is working fine.

Thanks for the help,
If any other help is required I’ll contact you. I am creating the
project named
Project Management. I might require some sort of help regarding this.

Ruchita S…


I am working on a project where I have to include the email
functionality. For that I need to include the FCKeditor or TinyMCe
Editor. I am not sure how to add the editors in Rails. Are there some
other editors that we include in rails or shall i go with one of these?

Please do let me know.

Ruchita S…

Pratik Naik wrote:

rails wysiwyg editor - Google Search

On 10/10/07, Ruchita S. [email protected] wrote:

(under your project).
On Oct 8, 2:29 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]
only and it is working fine.

Please do let me know.

Ruchita S…

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.



I have to implement a pop up calender in my application. I am trying to
implement it with YUILibrary, but not able to integrate pop up calendar.
Are there some other ways as well to implement pop up calendar in rails.
Please do let me know.

Ruchita S…


On 10/10/07, Ruchita S. [email protected] wrote:

(under your project).
On Oct 8, 2:29 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]
only and it is working fine.

Please do let me know.

Ruchita S…

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.



I am implementing the pop up calendar with Datetime_toolbocks plugin.
its working fine but I am not able to pass the date parameters in my
view controller. Have anyone implemented this plugin for date? Please do
let me knw how to pass date parameters?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ruchita S.

Ruchita S. wrote:

Pratik Naik wrote:

rails wysiwyg editor - Google Search

On 10/10/07, Ruchita S. [email protected] wrote:

(under your project).
On Oct 8, 2:29 pm, Ruchita S. [email protected]
only and it is working fine.

Please do let me know.

Ruchita S…

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.



I have to implement a pop up calender in my application. I am trying to
implement it with YUILibrary, but not able to integrate pop up calendar.
Are there some other ways as well to implement pop up calendar in rails.
Please do let me know.

Ruchita S…