I’m just learning to use rake and ran into the following problem:
chraftbuech:/Users/Josh/Webwork/CommentingSystem josh$ rake
(in /Users/Josh/Webwork/CommentingSystem)
Create test news
rake aborted!
The task’s code is:
desc ‘Creates some test news items with comments’
task ‘create_test_news’ do
puts ‘Create test news’
n = NewsItem.new
n.subject = ‘This is the first news item’
n.body = ‘After days of work this is the first news item ever
published using the NewsEngine. Have fun with it and add some comments!
raise ‘Could not save first news item!’ if !n.save
Can you tell me what I have to do to establish the connection? I guess
somehow Rails doesn’t connect to MySQL?
Can you tell me what I have to do to establish the connection? I guess
somehow Rails doesn’t connect to MySQL?
This is probably way too obvious, but do you have your database
connection set up in config/database.yml?
It’s correctly set up, because over the console I can create the items
without any problems… :-/ there’s something wrong with rake, I
It was really that I have to add the dependence :environment to the
desc ‘Creates some test news items with comments’
task :create_test_news => :environment do
puts ‘Create test news’
n = NewsItem.new
n.subject = ‘This is the first news item’
n.body = ‘After days of work this is the first news item ever
published using the NewsEngine. Have fun with it and add some comments!
raise ‘Could not save first news item!’ if !n.save
But still the question: where is this task defined?
The :environment task comes from Rails’ own Rakefiles - so either in
the gems, or in your copy of Rails in vendor
(RAILS_ROOT/vendor/rails/railties/lib/tasks/misc.rake, I believe)