Raising exceptions and "wrong number of arguments" problem

Hi everyone - what is the proper way to display error messages when you
raise exceptions?

For example, the following code…

class MyWxRubyClass
some code…
evt_button(my_button) do
some code…
if wrong_condition
raise “My Error Message”
some code…
rescue Exception => msg
puts msg
Wx::MessageDialog.new(nil, msg, ‘Error Popup’,

… produces “wrong # of arguments(1 for 0)” error message in both
console and message box.
How can I make it to display “My Error Message”?
“Wrong # of arguments(1 for 0)” happens only when I raise my own error
messages, ruby’s native error messages are being displayd well.

Bob Bobrov wrote:

  if wrong_condition

… produces “wrong # of arguments(1 for 0)” error message in both
console and message box.
Use Kernel.raise, eg
Kernel.raise “My Error Message”

The reason this is needed is because if you’re inside a class that
inherits from Wx::Window, a call to ‘raise’ unqualified is taken to mean
the instance method Window#raise (which takes no arguments)


Alex F. wrote:

The reason this is needed is because if you’re inside a class that
inherits from Wx::Window, a call to ‘raise’ unqualified is taken to mean
the instance method Window#raise (which takes no arguments)


Thank you very much, Alex :slight_smile: