I’m working through the rails tutorial at railstutorial.org -
Specifically the video.
After a bumpy start with various gem versions - things were working
well. That is until I hit the ‘integration test’ section. (NOTE:
Section 5.5 / listing 5.33 in the web tutorial)
As instructed in the video I added this to layout_links_spec.rb …
it “should have the right links on the layout” do
visit root_path
response.should have_selector(‘title’, :content => “Home”)
Now when I run the ‘rspec spec/’ - I get this error …
Failure/Error: response.should have_selector(‘title’, :content =>
expected following output to contain a Home tag:
Any help would be extremely appreciated. I really want to embrace to
BDD / TDD - but these gem ‘issues’ are really frustrating.