Hey guys,
Two quick things relevant to Rails programmers:
Jason and I at RailsEnvy.com created a new weekly podcast to help
you keep up to date on the latest developments in the Ruby/Rails
world. http://www.RailsEnvy.com/podcast
We just released a new video, "Ruby on Rails vs ColdFusion" for
those of you who came from that area of town, or need a good laugh.
Have a great Wednesday!
Gregg P. wrote:
We just released a new video, "Ruby on Rails vs ColdFusion" for
those of you who came from that area of town, or need a good laugh.
Loved the other spoof vids! DJ Ango was funny stuff. Thanks for the
link to the new video. I’ll check it out when I’m out from under the
corporate anti-youtube firewall!
Loved the other spoof vids! DJ Ango was funny stuff. Thanks for the
link to the new video. I’ll check it out when I’m out from under the
corporate anti-youtube firewall!
SurfControl, the web subsidiary of the RIAA.

The new video and podcasts are excellent, thanks guys!