Come May 17th, the Oregon Convention Center in Portland will host the
second annual RailsConf and if you want to be there, you better get
your registration in early. Last year the 600 seats were gone in a
week and change.
We’ve doubled capacity this year, but the growth of Rails has shot up
even faster than that. So if you want to be sure not to miss out, I’d
advise you skip reading the rest of this introduction and jump
straight to the registration form.
This year we’ve teamed up with O’Reilly to produce the conference,
which means that silly-nilly details like which sessions will be
available are actually ready for you to peruse before signing up. This
goes for the new-to-this-year first day of tutorials too. What a
luxury treat. And on top of sessions and tutorials, we’ll of course
also have a slew of keynotes.
It’s going to be one heck of a show. I can’t wait to see your all
Will any of the conference content be made available afterwards? Such
as notes or videos?
For those of us unable to attend due to things like… a child due to be
born about that time or other such hang-ups.
Andy K.
Videos from last year and RailsConf Europe were made available, so I
would think so. I’m sure you’ll be able to find slides and blog posts
on the sessions as they happen.
even faster than that. So if you want to be sure not to miss out, I’d
advise you skip reading the rest of this introduction and jump
straight to the registration form.
Well, don’t jump quite so fast!!
I saw this email and did jump on over to the registration link at the
bottom and signed up!! A couple of minutes later I saw another email
from Oreilly saying that I was eligible for a 15% discount since I had
attended last year. There was no mention of an alumni discount on the
online registration form. So I called O’Reilly customer service to see
if they could help me out and apply the discount after the fact.
Unfortunately they say since I had already registered there is nothing
they can do
So message to attendees from last year -
First check and see if there is a discount code in your email before
you rush on over.
I lost $111.75 in my haste. Just a message to other alumni to make
sure you get yours.
For those of you who attended RailsConf or RailsConf Europe in 2006
please be aware that your alumni code was emailed to you yesterday
afternoon (PST). If for some reason you did not receive the code (i.e.
your email addresss has changed since you registered last year) please
email [email protected] to get it.
Allison Iacopini
O’Reilly Conferences
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