Railscasts Android app

Hey guys,

I’ve developed a small free Android app to help me keep track of which
Railscasts screencasts (http://railscasts.com) I already watched, and to
help me watch some screencasts on my smartphone while travelling.
I thought it might also be useful to someone around here so I’ve
it on Google Play Store. You can find it here
planning to add some more features to make it even more useful, so I’m
to any suggestions you might have :slight_smile:


After a first look it seems interesting, but there should be added a

I have already seen about 200 Episodes on my PC, but I don’t see a way
mark them as seen in the Android app, except for letting it play for the
full duration. A mark as seen feature should get added.

Also it would be cool if you could login to railscasts to manage the pro
and revised episodes also.

But marking as seen is much more important to add I think.

Bye, Norbert

2013/6/11 Rui C. [email protected]

In fact I have included the option to “Mark as watched”. Just lonk click
the screencasts on the list and select the option on the contextual menu
Perhaps it’s not clear enough… I’ll work on that!

Adding the ability to search the episodes would be helpful. Any chance
this app is opensource?

Perhaps you could do it as in Gmail app? Tap the icon to mark an entry
have an icon in the top bar to toggle status? This would make marking
episodes as seen much easier!
Am 12.06.2013 00:37 schrieb “Rui C.” [email protected]: