Rails wiki

Hey Fellows:

What happened to the Rails wiki? In http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails it
appears a very nasty message, saying something about cialis and some

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Being hacked because of a wiki, heh!

Is frustrating yeah.

Sometimes the back in time feature does not work either. Really
if you are looking for something.

Problem is the wiki is open for anyone to edit. A bit naive hey?

On 2006-08-16, at 15:22 , Rodrigo F. wrote:

Hey Fellows:

What happened to the Rails wiki? In http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/
rails it appears a very nasty message, saying something about
cialis and some other stuff.

standard wiki spam. happens every day, sadly.

use the back in time thing to revert it.

What happened to the Rails wiki? In http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/
rails it appears a very nasty message, saying something about
cialis and some other stuff.

standard wiki spam. happens every day, sadly.

use the back in time thing to revert it.

I’ve been noticing that over the last couple of weeks, the back in
time pages have been loading increasingly slowly. Minutes have
passed since I clicked… just received a “502 Proxy Error”

Trying again… still waiting… waiting… waiting… 502.

I am having the same problem.

I’ll see what can I do to fix it, maybe registering users? what do you

Let’s do a crazy thing: I model the database and give the lineups and
(maybe the same as the actual wiki), and one of you do the CAPTCHA
validation, one of you explain the mailer, etc…

A wiki made by the community, in the community and for the community.
Something we can work on… For me, at least, sounds good.

Oh, and invite new users to see what are we doing, explaining them how
did work for the wiki, the errors we made… something more dynamic.

yep, validating by email and captcha, password encryption and

(what if we use a PHP wiki here? j/k, forget my comment)

Seems like CAPTCHA should be added ASAP.

On 8/16/06, Caio C. [email protected] wrote:

standard wiki spam. happens every day, sadly.

use the back in time thing to revert it.

I’ve stopped even looking at the Wiki site - the spam is horrendous,
with nary a solution in sight. I’ve reverted my share of pages, but no
sooner than a page is fixed, it’s spammed again.

Something needs to be done - the spammers are having a field day there!

On 8/16/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:

Something needs to be done - the spammers are having a field day there!

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

First Post Yeah!!
Anyways, I agree somthing needs to be done with the Wiki I search
for methods and such, but the results take me to the spam.


for methods and such, but the results take me to the spam.

Let’s make a new-and-more-secure one, then… anyone joining?

First, the database: MySQL or PostgreSQL?
I go for PostgreSQL, but it all depends on what they have.

Second, feature request: ¿what should it need?
User Registration with
Mail Confirmation.
User Administration.
Wiki Page Administration.
Comments on the Wiki Page. (like PHP comments)
Page Editing / Block While Editing.
Languages (there are some spanish-speakers here like me :P)

anything else?

Third, administration levels: how many? 3?
Registered Users

Fourth, license for the code? I go for GPL.

Fifth, will the administrators agree?
Say yes! :slight_smile:

Sixth, comments?