Hi all,
I have a unique workflow where it’s making the use of validations
My app is for internal use in my company and I have a funky
implementation (inspired by the e-commerce Railscasts episodes) of a
cart. I have products which when I “add to cart” creates an order with a
state of “incomplete”. The product is a line item of my order. Hope that
makes sense.
Even though this is a little complicated, it works well (even though it
may not be the best implementation - suggestions are welcome though!)
Now the problem is when I go to checkout and complete my order I want to
validate certain things, like if my customer’s order number is present
(validates_presence_of). This should be easy, but since the order has
ALREADY been created I need to validate the presence of an attribute.
Also, I can’t just do this:
validates_presence_of :customer_order_number, :on => :update
Because it generates a validation error on my ‘/cart’ page which is
where I can go and edit the product quantities for the client order.
I’m sure the solution lies in validates_presence_of with the :if
condition, but I just can’t figure out how to make it work.
Below is my related app code.
Orders Controller:
def update
@order = Orders.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
if @order.update_attributes(params[:order])
flash[:notice] = 'Your cart has been updated.'
format.html { redirect_to( current_cart_url ) }
format.xml { head :ok }
format.html { redirect_to( current_cart_url ) }
format.xml { render :xml => @order.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }
def cart
create_current_order unless current_order
@order = current_order
def checkout
@order = current_order
def complete_order
@order = current_order
respond_to do |format|
if @order.update_attributes(params[:order])
@order.complete #sets order completed at date and state to
flash[:notice] = 'Thank you! Your order is being processed.'
format.html { redirect_to( products_path ) }
format.xml { head :ok }
format.html { render :action => 'checkout' }
format.xml { render :xml => @order.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }
I know this is kind of tough to understand, please let me know if you
need more specifics or code. Thank you!