Rails Syntax Change

I am a newbie. Looking at some old text vs new. I see some changes:

New: <%= yield(:title) %>
Old: <%= @title %>

New: “#{base_title} | Home”
Old: @base_title + “| Home”

Can you tell me when they got changed? Are the new syntax now the
preferred way? Are they more elegant?


On Sep 9, 2012, at 12:10 PM, rails2012 wrote:

I am a newbie. Looking at some old text vs new. I see some changes:

New: <%= yield(:title) %>
Old: <%= @title %>

Not sure about this one.

New: “#{base_title} | Home”
Old: @base_title + “| Home”

The new way creates one fewer String object, and that can only be good
for performance and memory usage.


New: <%= yield(:title) %>
Old: <%= @title %>

@title is a type of variable that is set in a controller, and to
separate views from what goes on
in a controller, you shouldn’t set a title of an html page in a
controller. yield(:title) looks for the value of a title
variable in the view, which can be set like this:

<% provide(:title, “Home”) %>

New: “#{base_title} | Home”
Old: @base_title + “| Home”

Those statements do the exact same thing in ruby. The first example
injects an existing string, base_title, into the creation process of
another string. The second example joins two strings
together–producing a third string. So the first example is a tiny
bit more efficient.

Well, if you are getting posts on the mailing list, then I guess you
don’t get the edits, which are allowed for 15 minutes. I corrected that
error in my post–right after I posted.

Do you mean “#{base_title} | Home” is more efficient because it doesn’t
create a new String object? (You said second one… I am not sure if I
that right.)

(I wonder why I don’t get email notifications when replies are sent…
am pretty sure I clicked “Email updates to me”…)

Derek L. wrote in post #1075271:

Do you mean “#{base_title} | Home” is more efficient because it doesn’t
create a new String object?

It certainly does create a new String object–that’s what the quotes do;
they tell Ruby, “Please create a new String object for me.” The
difference is that the following:

base_title + “| Home”

…creates two more String objects: “| Home” and another created by +.