Rails Services Module


Currently I am doing my Master at the University of Applied Science in
Salzburg in Austria and I need a topic for my master thesis. Now I am
interested in what do you think about the topic “Services”. Id like
to programm a module maybe called activeservice or something like that
which could be included to a rails application. With this module or
patch it will be possible to add and remove external web services to/
from your rails application. It could be like a docking station for
different APIs or something similar. So now my question: What do you
think about my idea? Does rails needs such a feature or do you have
another idea what I could maybe develop within the scope of my master

I would be happy for some responses! :slight_smile:


What’s the difference between active_resource and the ‘activeservice’
you mentioned?

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Hasn’t active resource been dropped in rails 3?
Am 19.10.2012 12:19 schrieb “rubyonrailsx” [email protected]:

Hmm okay it seems that acitve_resource is quite the same.

What do you think about writing an SOAP wrapper for rails and compare
SOAP and REST Api’s?

Am Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012 12:20:28 UTC+2 schrieb cming xu:

Why don’t you go more in a direction of automated API service
documentation? For example, the guys at apiary.io do this by listening
on API calls and generating documentation from that (or at least that’s
long term plan). Something like that would be very valuable for a lot of
people and it could give you an easy in with SV start-ups if you want

Comparing SOAP vs REST would be like comparing horse carts and cars…


Rails does not support an interface for external APIs? Or does it offers
For example you have to interact with the facebook graph api, twitter
and others, is there a main basic end-to-end point for such api’s?

Am Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012 00:19:52 UTC+2 schrieb Martin W.:

On Tuesday, 23 October 2012 11:23:06 UTC-4, Matthias Frick wrote:

Rails does not support an interface for external APIs? Or does it offers
For example you have to interact with the facebook graph api, twitter api,
and others, is there a main basic end-to-end point for such api’s?

Not sure what you mean - the interaction with external services is
typically done with gems. Some examples:

Twitter - GitHub - sferik/twitter: A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.
Facebook - GitHub - nsanta/fbgraph: Facebook Open Graph API in Ruby
Git repos - GitHub - mojombo/grit: **Grit is no longer maintained. Check out libgit2/rugged.** Grit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby.

There’s also a wide variety of gems that handle the lower-level details
make interacting with APIs easier, from HTTParty to RestClient to

–Matt J.

yes i know these gems. but offers rails itself a layer to hook in such
external APIs?
like a docking station, where you can register external services and so


Am Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012 16:05:56 UTC+2 schrieb Matt J.:

hmm, i understand your opinion, but nowadays it would be very convenient
have so a docking station layer… nearly every rails app interacts with
external services, so I think it would be a great idea… more other
opinions? :slight_smile:

Am Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012 02:27:15 UTC+2 schrieb Fabian Becker:

Matthias, the point is, that not everything has to come with Rails. Lets
keep things modular and cleanly separated. Don’t try to integrate
everything into the Rails core when it can just as well be done withing

On Thursday, 25 October 2012 19:19:34 UTC-4, Matthias Frick wrote:

hmm, i understand your opinion, but nowadays it would be very convenient
to have so a docking station layer… nearly every rails app interacts with
external services, so I think it would be a great idea… more other
opinions? :slight_smile:

What precisely is the “docking station layer” supposed to do? Perhaps
some Readme-Driven Development would help clarify the idea:


–Matt J.