Rails: Select and html forms

I’m close to getting this to work, but not quite there. I’m trying to
implement a dropdown control, with the current choice selected.
I have the following code in the view:

  5 <select id="product_product_type" name="product[product_type]">
  6 <%=
  7   types = ProductType.find(:all, :order => "product_type")
  8   options_from_collection_for_select( types, :id, :product_type, 

9 %>
10 </select

Which renders the following:

Product type

... Supplies

However, in the browser the “Supplies” item isn’t displaed on load, but
the blank first option is. Anyone see what I’m doing wrong?


I found this thread on another list, I’m working on it now…I’ll let
you know
if I come up with a working solution.


jschairb wrote:


I found this thread on another list, I’m working on it now…I’ll let
you know
if I come up with a working solution.


This works, it’s probably not the best implementation…but it works.


look for the section called ‘A collection_select like helper’ I copied
that code into application_helper.rb and then used his view
implementation. Worked for me, although I had to change the last part
in the view from :


to just


Hopefully this will get you going. Later.

Try this:

<%= collection_select(:product, :product_type, types, :id,
:product_type, { :include_blank => true }) %>

It works fine for me.


On 12/15/05, Joe E. [email protected] wrote:

 10 </select

However, in the browser the “Supplies” item isn’t displaed on load, but
the blank first option is. Anyone see what I’m doing wrong?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Sandro Duarte
Analista de Sistemas