Is it possible to put an if/else statemnt, and change the map.root
under each condition? for ex–
if current_user
map.root :controller => ‘current_user’
map.root :controller => ‘home’
cuase apparenlty that doesn’t work, so is there an alternative way?
basically if the user is logged in, i dont want the homepage to be the
homepage anymore, but instead the user page.
NOTE:::: i can’t do a redirect_to in my home controller, because i
have multiple cases (current_user, current_admin, etc) and i can’t
have multiple redirects in an action.
so is there a way to change the homepage according to who’s logged in?
Hi David,
Your conditional routing won’t work because routes.rb is evaluated on
startup not per request.
I don’t understand the rest of the question. You can’t redirect
multiple times per action but you can have multiple possible redirects
in an action as long as only one is executed - does that help?
During processing of request first it executes routes. so, it’s not
possible to add above type of conditional statement (authentication).
For conditional routing refer -
you wrote “You can’t redirect
multiple times per action but you can have multiple possible redirects
in an action as long as only one is executed”
so how do i do that? An if/else statment doesn’t work in this case, is
there another way?
right, i understand…thats what i did
heres my code-
if current_user
redirect_to current_user_path
elseif current_admin
redirect_to current_admin_path
elseif current_secretary
redirect_to current_secretary_path
@greeting = “Hello Guest”
but its saying that i have multiple rediects per action, and i do, but
apparently rails thinks all of them will get executed? thats my
error :-\
any suggestions? thanks
On May 5, 1:08 am, David Z. [email protected] wrote:
you wrote “You can’t redirect
multiple times per action but you can have multiple possible redirects
in an action as long as only one is executed”
so how do i do that? An if/else statment doesn’t work in this case, is
there another way?
Well in a nutshell
if current_user
redirect_to user_path(current_user)
redirect_to home_path
(assuming the existance of various named routes)
Show us what you’ve attempted.