Im using route_translator gem, which is really great, but unfortunatly
stuck because special caracters are not recognized.
for instance for page /ru/войти , I have this error message
No route matches [GET] "/ru/%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B8"
same for french special caracters like “è” . for /fr/dernière ,
No route matches [GET] "/fr/derni%C3%A8re"
but if I change in i18n-routes.yml to derniere, /fr/derniere is working
if this caracters are inside variable, it is working well
for instance if my route is like ‘derniere-:myvar’
if I go to page /fr/derniere-première
it is working well and I have params[:myvar] = “première”
I there anythink I can do to make it works
PS rake routes give me the right routes