Rails - relations

Hi ppl.

I am noob in rails and started an app to learn. I have the following

table client with fileds: name, second_name
table phone with fields: number, client_id
table address with fields: street, number, client_id

The migrations worked ok and the fields are created.

Now i defined in the model that

for client:
has_many :phones
has_many :adresses

for phones and adresses:
belongs_to :client

I made a form to get some of these fields and add to the database:

<% form_for(:clients) do |f| %>

Name <%= f.text_field :name %>

Second Name <%= f.text_field :second_name%>

Number <%= f.text_field :number%>

<%= f.submit "Add" %>

<% end %>

And in the controller i try to save it to the DB:

@clients = Clients.new(params[:clients])

When i submit i get an error saying that number is not a method, it
means it
didnt associate number with a cliente. It’s not “joining” the tables.

Where did i made a mistake here?

Thanks guys.

Israel G. wrote:

Hi ppl.

I am noob in rails and started an app to learn. I have the following

table client with fileds: name, second_name
table phone with fields: number, client_id
table address with fields: street, number, client_id

The migrations worked ok and the fields are created.

Now i defined in the model that

for client:
has_many :phones
has_many :adresses

for phones and adresses:
belongs_to :client

I made a form to get some of these fields and add to the database:

<% form_for(:clients) do |f| %>

Name <%= f.text_field :name %>

Second Name <%= f.text_field :second_name%>

Number <%= f.text_field :number%>

<%= f.submit "Add" %>

<% end %>

And in the controller i try to save it to the DB:

@clients = Clients.new(params[:clients])

When i submit i get an error saying that number is not a method, it
means it
didnt associate number with a cliente. It’s not “joining” the tables.

Where did i made a mistake here?

Thanks guys.

  1. Try asking this questions in rail snewsgroup
  2. You are trying to access field from other table. The right way to
    access the filed would be:

and I don’t know if this can be done with simple form.


Oh, it’s true, i always end up mixing up rails list with ruby list!

Thanks for the tips though :slight_smile: